Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Disasters of Apocalyptic Proportions: What Car for Which Situation?

Public Service Announcement: The zombie apocalypse is here! Well, not really.  But if it were true, would your vehicle be properly prepared for it?  If not, check out this blog on the necessities for different disaster scenarios:

We all have that one friend who is prepared for any and every disaster.  At least once a week, they utter something about an “apocalypse” of brain-starved zombie hordes or a green giant monster running rampant through the streets and ravishing your city.  If this ever occurs, you will have to get to a safe place, but how will you get there?  Which method of transportation do you use?  Therefore, transportation is essential in “Surviving the Apocalypse 101”.

This great infographic from and provides us a little sight on which car would (theoretically) be the best for various disaster situations.  For instance, if you’re trying to fend off a zombie horde, you’ll need shatter proof or barred windows.  A push-shovel in front of your vehicle is a must as well.  After striking a zombie with your killing machine of a car, the push-shovel will properly set them aside, without running over them and damaging the vehicle’s undercarriage.

For more information and to check out the necessities for your apocalyptic vehicle, take a look at the infographic and original article:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Traveling With Pets

People that have pets know that it's hard to be away from them for long. Many times when you go on a trip you want to take your pet with you. Many hotels and vacation homes are even pet friendly, which makes it even easier to travel with a pet. But before you get your furry friend to your final destination, you need to make sure that you take the proper measures to make sure that the ride there goes as smoothly as possible. Here are five tips for traveling with your pet in the car.

5: Prepare Your Pet for Car Travel

If you're planning to travel by car with your pet, you should prepare in advance. If your pet has never been in the car before, make some short trips first to see how it reacts. Some animals behave just fine, but others suffer from anxiety or even motion sickness. If the latter is the case for your pet, talk to your veterinarian about appropriate medications. While you're at it, make sure your pet is up to date on vaccinations as well.

Most cats feel safer in the car if they travel in a small crate. To prepare your cat for crate time, leave the crate around the house for a few days so the cat gets used to it. Same with your dog. If you plan on harnessing your dog or keeping it in a crate in the car, get it familiarized with that feeling.

Make sure your pet is wearing its identification tags in case it manages to escape you during the trip.

4: Put Together a Travel Kit
Do you pack a toiletry kit for yourself when you travel? Why not pack one for your pet as well?

If you're traveling out of state, bring your pet's health records along. You'll need them in case your pet bites someone or gets bitten. Put your name, destination address and cell phone number on your pet's crate in case of emergency. Also, don' t forget small first-aid items like nail clippers and liquid bandages.

Portable water bowls -- you can even buy one that folds up -- and bottled water are a great idea. You never know what might upset your pet's tummy, and you certainly don't want to find out while you're trapped in a small car together. So, stick with water -- no food.

Don't forget a pooper scooper, waste bags, treats, an extra leash and your pet's favorite pillow or toy for comfort.

3: Keep Your Pet Safely Entertained
Many pets sleep in the car, but just as many of them wind up getting restless. It might seem fun to let your dog hang its head out the window, but this practice is dangerous. Your dog could be hit by flying objects, and the wind and cold air can cause inner-ear damage and lung infections [source: ASPCA]. Excitable canines can also unexpectedly leap out an open window, leading to serious injury or death.

Instead, bring along a favorite chew toy, treats and other objects that will keep your pet entert-ained and busy. Stop the car often to let your pet out (on a leash, of course) to stretch its legs and sniff out its new surroundings.

2: Food, Water and Bathroom Breaks
During any trip, it's important to stop often so your pet can stretch its legs, relieve itself and burn off some excess energy.
Although water is fine, don't feed your pet in a moving vehicle. It's actually best to feed it no less than three to four hours before your trip begins, to minimize motion sickness. If your pet needs to eat during the duration of the trip, feed it at a rest stop an¬d give it some time to digest.

Speaking of rest stops, when you do stop, never let your pet out of the vehicle without a leash. In an unfamiliar place, animals can act unpredictably and tragedy can occur. Don't put your pet at risk -- keep it on the leash.

Always park in the shade. And never leave an animal unattended in a parked vehicle. On a warm day, the temperature in your car can rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) in minutes, even with the window open [source: Humane Society].

1: Restrain Your Pet
Hands (or paws) down, the best way to keep your pet safe during a car trip is to use a restraint system. You wear a seatbelt for your own safety -- give your pet the same respect. Your pet should ride in the backseat so it won't get injured if a front seat airbag is deployed. However, don't let your pet ride in the bed of a pickup truck. In that case, it's safer up front with you.

The best restraint system for your pet depends on its size an¬d breed, as well as the size of your vehicle. There are many options from which to choose. Following are some general tips:
•    Cats and some small dogs travel best in a carrier. They feel safer and can't run around inside the vehicle. You should use a seat belt to secure the carrier.
•    If you need to use a crate for your larger pet, make sure it is well secured and cushioned. In the event of an accident, the animal can slam against the sides of the crate.
•    The safest way to secure your dog in the car is through a restraint system. You can purchase a harness that attaches to your regular seat belts, or straps that attach to the ceiling of the car.
•    Choose restraints that offer your pet some mobility -- the animal should be able to move and turn in the seat

Click the link to read the full article from Animal Planet:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tips for Washing Your Car You Wouldn't Normally Think Of

With all the muck and grime on the roads, washing your car is a necessary evil. But sometimes we don't always want to pay for a fancy car wash. Here are some tips and tricks most people wouldn't think of that are cheaper and will actually keep your car cleaner for a longer period of time.

Hair conditioner for shine
Wash your car with a hair conditioner containing lanolin. You'll become a believer when you see the freshly waxed look, and when you find that the surface will repel rain.

Fizz windshields clean with cola
When it rains after a long dry spell, a dirty windshield turns into one big mess. Get rid of streaks and blotches by pouring cola over the glass. (Stretch a towel along the bottom of the windshield to protect hood paint.) The bubbles in the cola will fizz away the grime. Just be sure to wash the sticky cola off thoroughly or your cleaning efforts will end up attracting dust.

A one-step window cleaner
Clean your windshield and car windows by rubbing them with baby wipes stored in your glove compartment. What could be easier?

Baking-soda car cleaner
Pour 1/4 cup baking soda into a gallon-sized jug, then add 1/4 cup dishwashing liquid and enough water to fill the jug almost to the top. Screw on the cap, shake well, and store the concentrate for later use. When it comes time to wash the car, shake the jug vigorously and then pour 1 cup of cleaner base into a 2-gallon water pail. Fill the pail with warm water, stir to mix, and your homemade cleaning solution is ready to use.

Avoid air drying
Also according to Consumer Reports, air drying your car—or driving it around while it's wet—after washing can leave unsightly watermarks on its exterior. Use a chamois or a soft terry cloth, plus a squeegee to soak excess water up—just make sure it doesn't pick up dirt that can scratch the vehicle.

Click the link to read the full article and learn even more weird tips to keep your car clean:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Why Do Cars Rust?

One thing that scares car owners is rust. This pesky problem can make a car almost undriveable. However, you can keep your car from declining into a rusty junkheap. It requires monitoring and regular maintenance, but with some work, you could keep rust at bay. What causes rust in the first place? Here’s a technical explanation for the curious:

Rust is iron oxide, a molecule consisting of two iron atoms and three oxygen atoms. It's the product of an electrochemical process called corrosion. To create rust, three factors must be present: an anode, a cathode and an electrolyte. An anode is a piece of metal that will readily release electrons under the right circumstances. Cathodes are metals that will accept electrons. Electrolytes are liquids that facilitate the movement of electrons.

As electrons flow from the anode to the cathode via the electrolyte, the anode metal corrodes. In the case of metals with iron in them, part of the anode metal becomes rust. As the metal corrodes, it weakens. That's not something you want to have happen to your vehicle.

There are several points on your car that are more susceptible to rust. For example, your car's engine, frame, chassis, exhaust system and trunk compartment can develop rust. Optional equipment, like trailer hitches, can also fall prey to corrosion. Rust can even attack painted surfaces on your car.

Getting rid of rust is challenging. It's easier to take steps to prevent rust than it is to eradicate it. In the case of rust, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Read the full article (and get some great rust prevention tips!) here:
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